logo de RICTA2015. En él se aprecia el logo, el año, la ciudad (Elche), la fecha (29 june - 1 july) y un texto (3rd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology)

Welcome to the website of RICTA2015

At present it contains only the most useful info

About the Conference

It was held in the city of Elche, organized by the Statistical and Computational Physics Laboratory (SCOLAb) of Universidad Miguel Hernández under the auspices of AECyTA, Asociación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles.

RICTA 2015 aimed to present the latest research and advances on the field of aerosols as well as fostering interaction among the Portuguese and Spanish communities. Following the tradition of previous conferences, the participation of young researchers was especially encouraged with the organization of the VI Summer School on Aerosol Science and Technology and awards for the best poster and PhD thesis.

Download links

Download the final Program here

Download the Proceedings Book of RICTA2015 here

More Info

The conference was kindly sponsored by

Grupo Álava




